5 Helpful Charities for Disabled Young Adults

Charities for disabled young adults can be a huge help to young people with disabilities and their families. Nonprofits around the country provide much-needed assistance in the form of support groups, information, and direct services.

You can find support services for everything from intellectual and developmental disabilities to mental health issues and physical disabilities in the United States. Knowing where to ask for help is the first step in getting the support that you and your family need to live your best life.

Top Charities for Young People with Disabilities in the U.S.

Young adults can benefit from services across the USA, including local community charities and charities with a wider reach. Many charities also now offer online services such as mentoring and counseling to widen their reach and make it more convenient for young people who use mobility devices to connect.

1. Colorado Mental Wellness Center Denver, Colorado

The Colorado Mental Wellness Centre is based in Denver but provides mental health services through peer support in local communities across the state of Colorado. The center provides support and treatment for mental illness in a non-traditional healthcare setting and focuses on building a lifestyle of recovery.

Recovery can take different forms, such as finding opportunities for people to improve the quality of their lives, giving young people the chance to take part in activities that are beneficial to their communities, and also to help shape how their communities see mental health issues.

Apart from mental health issues, the centers provide assistance for people with behavioral health conditions and advocate for them in the following ways:

  • Identify and speak up about legislation that can be oppressive or discriminatory against individuals with mental or behavioral health issues

  • Speak about issues to encourage dialog and remove stigmas

  • Provide training so that the charity can help more people in Colorado

This charity is beneficial not only for young people with mental health problems but also for their families and the community as everyone benefits from wider access to mental health services.

2. Easterseals, Nationwide

Easterseals provides individualized, in-school, and community-based services for young disabled adults with the goal of supporting independent living as they join the workforce or pursue further education or vocational training. The support they provide focuses on the skills needed for everyday independent living. This includes social skills in addition to health and wellness considerations.

Services provided by Easterseals include:

  • Advocacy for young adults with disabilities and their families

  • Support groups with social events and recreational programs to develop friendship skills and strengthen self-esteem

  • Access to community resources

  • Education on basic needs such as applying for a job or higher educational programs, personal finances, and other essentials for independent living

Easterseals groups can be found in many different parts of the country and provide practical as well as emotional support for young people who are taking the next step in their lives. The emphasis is on promoting an independent and fulfilling life for young adults with disabilities.

3. The Special Olympics, National and International Locations

The Special Olympics provides sports training and the opportunity to take part in athletic competitions in a range of Olympic-inspired sports for children, young adults, and adults with intellectual disabilities. This program encourages physical fitness, develops self-esteem, and provides individuals with the chance to experience the excitement and joy of celebrating their achievements with their families and communities.

The emphasis in the Special Olympics is on what people can do rather than on what they can't. Programs include a wide range of sports, including soccer, gymnastics, and swimming. Some programs also teach leadership skills within the community to help participants become leaders as well as athletes.

The Special Olympics offers programs in many states in the USA and around the world.

 4. Autism Village, Online Community

Autism Village is a charity that develops apps to help young people with autism find places around them that are friendly to people with autism spectrum disorder. This can take the form of establishments that aren't over-stimulating and that have understanding and helpful staff.

Establishments are rated by individuals with autism or their families in the app, allowing people in similar situations to find places around them where they can enjoy free time or take a vacation. There are a number of ways to contribute to Autism Village:

  • Anyone can contribute by donating to the charity in order to further develop the app.

  • Individuals with autism or their family members can become members and leave reviews.

  • Businesses interested in becoming more autism-friendly can participate in Autism Village's Autism Friendly training programs. These programs raise awareness of issues surrounding autism and teach businesses how they can become more inclusive.

5. Friendship Circle of Colorado

Friendship Circle of Colorado is a charity that focuses on helping young adults with special needs and their families connect with other people in the hope that friendships will flourish. Young people with physical disabilities, intellectual disabilities, and developmental issues can take part. 

Local volunteers provide a supportive community for individuals with disabilities or special needs and their families, allowing them to meet new people, form a support network, and find lifelong friends within their community. 

Programs supported by the Friendship Circle include:

  • Special events including sports, excursions, and therapy sessions

  • Yoga therapy for teenagers, allowing them to stretch, relax, and engage in therapeutic activities with local volunteers and other young adults with special needs 

  • After-school recreational activities. Teens with special needs can meet after school to socialize, participate in games or projects, and develop team-building skills.

  • Teen and Young Adult Circle. Once a month, teens and young adults with special needs can meet to do a range of activities with the aim of developing their social skills and working on independence.

Odom et al. found that children whose disabilities affected their prosocial behaviors were often rejected by classroom peers, having a detrimental effect on their social development. This makes having an active social life extremely important for young people with special needs.

Young Disabled Adults Can Benefit From Opportunities Across the USA

Young adults with disabilities have a wide range of charities across the country at their disposal that can help them overcome the hurdles they face in healthcare and in society. Though many charities focus on the management of the symptoms of disabilities or provide assistance with finding mobility aids for young adults, many others also incorporate social and leisure angles which are just as important for a full and enjoyable life.

Finding out what is available to you locally is always a good start if you are a young person with a disability. Charities can potentially get you access to things that can make your life easier as well as putting you in touch with people in the same situation as you. People with disabilities don't need to struggle alone. Take advantage of the many programs and charities that are available to you for an empowered and fulfilling life.