Benefits of Renting a Recliner Lift Chair After Surgery

Renting a recliner after surgery can be an excellent solution to temporary mobility issues caused by medical intervention. Power lift chairs are used to raise people to a standing position and to lower them safely into a seated position. Some lift chairs can even double as a temporary bed if climbing stairs is challenging after surgery. Because a lift chair recliner can be a significant investment, lift chair rental is a good short-term solution for people who are recovering from surgery and won’t need the chair long-term.

Why Rent a Lift Chair After Surgery?

There are many reasons why people choose to rent lift chairs after surgery or a serious injury. 

1. Lift Chairs Minimize Physical Strain 

Lift chairs can help reduce pain caused by movement by assisting the patient to stand up and sit down. Recliner lift chairs raise people to a comfortable position from which to walk and help them sit in a controlled manner to minimize any strain on the muscles and joints.

2. Lift Chairs Keep Patients Comfortable While Sitting for Long Periods

Recovery after an operation can be a long process that involves spending a lot of time sitting down. Having a chair with an ideal seat width that reclines to a comfortable position to watch TV, sleep, or relax is essential for staying comfortable during the recovery period.

3. Lift Chairs Can Double as a Bed

Infinity lift chairs, such as the MaxiComfort models we stock in our Denver, Colorado showroom, recline to an almost horizontal position, meaning that the chair can be used as a bed if the patient finds climbing stairs too challenging. It's difficult to predict exactly how the recovery process will play out, which is why having a chair that can be set to several different positions is so beneficial.

4. Lift Chairs Are Ideal for a Temporary Downstairs Setup

Many people prefer to spend time downstairs during their recovery, finding that it’s much more pleasant to receive visitors in a family room downstairs. A study by Ahrary et al. (2018) also noted the importance of self-reliance in recovery, which is something that’s aided by the use of a lift chair. Because of their powered features, lift chairs take away the need for much of the physical assistance people often require after surgery and also in advanced age.

Purchasing vs. Renting a Lift Chair Recliner

Purchasing a lift chair is a great option for people with long-term mobility issues. Elderly people and people with chronic conditions that affect their mobility often opt for purchasing a lift chair to help them in their everyday lives.

Renting makes more financial sense for people who are recovering from abdominal surgery, broken legs, or other injuries that shouldn't cause permanent mobility issues. Lift chair rental gives the user flexibility to use the chair for as long as they need, and then return it when they are back on their feet.

Recover in Comfort With Lift Chair Rental

Power lift chair rental makes sense for patients with temporary mobility issues after surgery. Rental gives you flexibility without the financial commitment involved in purchasing a lift chair outright.

Lift chairs can help people of all ages get through a recovery period safely and comfortably and provide a solution for both day and night. With many different models to choose from, every patient can find a lift chair to suit their post-operative needs.