Home Elevator vs Stairlift: Pros, Cons, & Costs

When deciding between a home elevator vs stairlift, it can be tricky to know which would work best for you and your home. Having a home elevator or a stairlift installed may involve structural changes as well as a financial commitment. Therefore, it's important to take the time to choose the solution that is best for your circumstances in the short and long term.

Maintaining mobility and independence is a top priority for wheelchair users and people with mobility issues. Luckily, stairlifts and home elevators can help people with limited mobility stay active and independent at home.

What Is a Stairlift?

Stairlifts—or chair lifts—are motorized chairs mounted onto a track that can be fitted to your existing staircase. Stairlifts can be installed whether you have a curved or straight staircase.

Stairlifts: Pros and Cons

While a stairlift may provide the perfect solution for some homes, its features may not suit everyone's home or health requirements.

Pros of a Stairlift

  • Most stairlifts can be installed by experts in a matter of hours.

  • Stairlifts tend to be a more accessible option for families on a budget. As an industry average, you can expect to pay around $4,000 for a new straight stairlift and upwards of $11,000 for a custom curved stairlift. See our article on How Much Does a Stairlift Cost to learn the factors that influence price. 

  • Because a stairlift is installed on the steps of your existing stairway, no home modifications are required.

  • The existing stairway is still functional for people who don't use the stairlift.

  • Stairlifts have integrated safety features that ensure secure movement up and down the stairs.
    A stairlift is a great option for elderly people or people with conditions that impede their mobility, like arthritis. These people may need a boost to get up or down the stairs but aren't necessarily reliant on mobility devices. Indeed, some people may like to use stairlifts simply because they're a safer option than climbing the stairs themselves.

  • It’s possible to remove a stairlift from your home when you relocate or no longer need the machine.

Cons of a Stairlift

  • Stairlifts are not a solution for people who cannot transfer out of a mobility device and into a stairlift chair. You certainly can have assistance in doing so but if you MUST stay in your mobility device the stair lift chair can not transport your mobility device with you in it. 

  • Stairlifts have a lower weight capacity than elevators.

  • If your home has multiple levels, each stairway will need a separate stairlift or you will need to install a curved rail or a combination of straight stair lifts.

  • Stairlifts can limit space on narrow stairways though they do fold up and out of the way if need be. 

What Is a Home Elevator?

A home elevator is a compact elevator installed at home. It can carry one or two people from one floor to another just like in public buildings. The main difference between a home elevator and a stairlift is that home elevators can transport people while they are still seated in a wheelchair or other mobility device whereas a stairlift requires the passenger to transfer to the stairlift seat. Home elevators are built with the same safety features as regular elevators.

Home Elevators: Pros and Cons

A home elevator is a more heavy-duty solution that requires a heavier investment and a more extensive installation process than a stairlift.

Pros of a Home Elevator

Home elevators may suit some individuals more than a stairlift, especially if their mobility issues are more severe or they don't always have somebody at home to help them get in and out of the stairlift chair.

  • Home elevators are a better option for people who can't get out of their wheelchairs or mobility scooters and must transport themselves and their mobility device with them in it. 

  • If your home has multiple levels, a home elevator gives you access to every level using a single device.

  • It could boost your home's resale value.

  • A home elevator can transport more than one person at a time.

  • You can install a home elevator wherever you wish in your home. For example, your home elevator could give you direct access to your bedroom.

Cons of a Home Elevator

  • Home elevators are much more costly than stairlifts. A residential elevator could set you back around $30,000 or more, once installation is factored in.

  • Having a home elevator installed can require extensive structural modification of your home, as space is needed for the elevator shaft.

  • Elevator installation is a longer process than stairlift installation.

  • Some homes may not be able to accommodate a home elevator.

Alternative Solution: Vertical Platform Lift

If you're still unconvinced by either of the previous options, a platform lift could be the right option for you. Platform lifts, AKA vertical platform lifts or porch lifts, can be placed inside or outside the home and help people with mobility limitations get around without having to navigate steps.

Platform lifts are similar to elevators in style and function, but don't have the shaft or enclosure you typically see in public elevators. This is because such safety measures aren't usually necessary as the user is only moved a few feet.

Platform Lifts: Pros and Cons

Platform lifts offer a very similar service as an elevator but with a smaller price tag.

Pros of Platform Lifts

  • Easy to use: Vertical platform lifts raise and lower passengers at the press of a button. No strength is required to operate them.

  • Autonomy: The passenger can use the lift independently, giving them a greater sense of independence.

  • Safe: Passengers only need to walk or roll onto the lift's platform to be raised or lowered onto the landing platform.

  • Can be used in and outdoors: Though it's typical to talk about platform lifts as a solution to get into your home, they can be used inside too.

  • Cost-effectiveness: A platform lift may be a more economical option than a home elevator. The cost of a vertical platform lift ranges between $1,000 and $15,000 with a ballpark industry average of around $5,000.

Cons of Platform Lifts

  • Some structural modifications may need to be made to your home to install a platform lift.

  • Installation is typically more costly than it is for a stairlift.

Please note that elevators and platform lifts must conform to the safety requirements stipulated in the ADA if installed in a facility that is open to the public.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Solution for Your Home

There are several factors to take into account when choosing a solution for your home. Each device will also differ depending on the brand, model, and the company you choose to work with.


Home Elevator

Platform Lift


A motorized chair that carries you up and down the stairs

A compact elevator for home use

A platform that carries you up and down stairs or from one floor to another vertically

Suitable for wheelchair users?




How many people does it transport?


More than one

Depends on the model

Suitable for Heavy Cargo?




Structural Home Modifications Required?



Some may be required depending on the location and design of the lift

Flexible Installation Locations?


Yes, depending on your home

Indoor and outdoor options

Indoor and Outdoor Capabilities?




How Long Does Installation Take?


Several days to two weeks

Between one and two days

Economical to Run?


Quite economical

Only requires electricity when in use

Choose the Best Solution for Your Short and Long-Term Needs

Mobility devices for navigating stairs can make a huge difference to people's quality of life when going up and down stairs becomes more challenging. That's why it's important to choose the right device for your specific needs.

When considering the best option for you and your family, keep your long-term needs in mind as well as your immediate requirements. If you're still unsure about which option would best suit you, a professional can assess your situation and home to help you determine the most appropriate option.